"Lo-Fi" Rides - #3: Carousel of Progress
Hey guys, it’s Sam with Under The Mouse Ears. I decided to create a little youtube series based on my go to, easy to access rides at WDW. Below is the script from that video as well as a link. Check it out and as always, hit me or Aim up with any questions you might have **** You know - one of my absolute favorite things about Disney World is what I call “Low Fi Rides”. While it rarely makes anybody’s MUST DO list, it’s always something easy to do to fill up your WDW Experience with some zero to short wait times, not to mention a great way to check out some super historic and classic attractions. So let’s get the countdown started... My number 3 Super low-Fi ride at Disney World is Walt Disney’s Carousel Of Progress. So you’re walking around Magic Kingdom.. You’re sweaty and the kids are tired of lines. One almost always, sure fire low wait is the classic Carousel of Progress. With a hand in it’s design by Walt Disney himself, the Car...